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What we do

What we do

What we do

Bravus Mining and Resources is an Australian resources company, operating under Australian law, and paying taxes and royalties in Australia. We are dedicated to creating jobs and opportunities for our regional Queensland communities.

We’re dedicated to doing an outstanding job, for all of us.

And by all of us we mean us the company, us the workforce, us the community, us the region, us the industry, and us the country.

Our Strategy

Our strategy is to develop and operate high-quality resource assets, from which we will deliver world-class results.

We will achieve this by continuing to foster a culture of resilience and by partnering with regional Queensland communities, businesses and the First Nations People from the lands on which we operate.

Our Business

Now that our operations are underway at the Carmichael Mine, we expect to produce in the order of 10 million tonnes of high-quality low-ash coal for export each year.

This will provide reliable energy for the global market that will life people in developing nations out of poverty, while at the same time helping to meet rising energy demand in the Asia Pacific region. And we’re doing it in a way that safe, sustainable and delivers real benefits. We’re sustaining regional Queensland communities through long-term, well-paid jobs and opportunities.