Response to ABC's stories on the parliamentary inquiry into the prudential regulation of investment in Australia’s export industries Skip to main content

Response to ABC's stories on the parliamentary inquiry into the prudential regulation of investment in Australia’s export industries

14 May 2021

Response to ABC's stories on the parliamentary inquiry into the prudential regulation of investment in Australia’s export industries

Today the ABC has published a story on its website that incorrectly states that the Federal Government has been asked to “step in” to provide finance to companies building the Carmichael Project.

This is incorrect and we are extremely disappointed that the ABC has chosen to again use its publicly-funded resources to communicate misinformation about our Carmichael Project.

We are proud to be building the Carmichael Project without any government funding. The Carmichael Project is 100% financed through the Adani Group’s resources, and we have the requisite insurance requirements in place across the entirety of the Carmichael Project.

The ABC has ignored our requests that they correct the story.

The ABC online story relates to submissions to a parliamentary inquiry currently underway to investigate the prudential regulation of investment in Australia’s export industries. There are many submissions to this inquiry from businesses large and small and a variety of other organisations that can be viewed online. They document, among other things, rising costs of insurance.

In one submission, a contractor to the Carmichael Project has suggested that the Federal Government could consider helping to insure export industries, given their importance to Australia’s economy. The ABC has mis-reported this suggestion.

Given its considerable publicly-funded resources, it is disappointing that the ABC has not reported on this nationally-significant parliamentary inquiry in a more considered and thorough way. The multiple submissions to the inquiry reveal serious and concerning issues that have ramifications to our national economy and tens and thousands of jobs in regional Australia. Instead of exploring the issues raised in all the submissions, it has decided to focus on one submission and use it to again misrepresent the facts about our Carmichael Project.

The ABC’s free-access website is a powerful communication tool and we respectfully request the ABC to be more diligent to ensure the content uploaded there is correct, balanced and represents all aspects of the topics covered, as unfortunately at times this is not the case.

We have raised these issues directly with the ABC.